The recovery of set of compressed wood decreased with increases in compression set, heat treatment temperature, and time. 压缩木材之回复度随压缩量之增加、热处理温度之增高与时间之增长而降低。
A construction and insulating sheet material made of compressed and baked granules of cork. Pine is a soft wood and teak is a hard wood. 软木板用粒状化软木压成并烧固制成的一种建筑绝缘片状材料松木是软木,柚木是硬木。
A light wallboard made of compressed wood pulp. 用被压缩的木质纸浆做成的很轻的墙板。
Compressed wood up to medium-hard wood, aluminum, synthetic and plastic boards. 压结至中等硬度的木材、、造板材和塑料板。
Compressed wood's physical and mechanical properties of have obvious improvement to natural material. 压缩木的物理力学性能比天然材有明显的提高。
Manufacturing Technology of Compressed Wood 压缩木制造技术
In order to reduce moisture content of compressed wood and improve its moisture distribution, two methods can be adopted, one is to lower down initial moisture content of thinnings to be compressed, the other is to extend the hot press time. 为了降低压后含水率,使水分分布均匀,可以采取两种办法:一是使初始含水率尽可能低,二是热压时间尽可能长。
The results showed that the tested mechnical indexes were different among the three directions compressed wood but they could meet mechnical requirments of compressed wood shuttle blocks. 结果表明:三个方向压缩后的压缩木测试的力学性能指标互有高低,但均满足压缩木梭的力学性能要求。
Construction Method Of Big Caliber Cast-In-Place Short Pile In Protecting Wall Construction Using Pattern Module Of Compressed Steel And Wood In Soft Layer 在软弱土层中采用钢木模板护壁施工大口径灌注短桩的施工方法
On the Surface Compressed Wood of Polar and Sugi 杨木、柳杉表面压密材的研究
Technology of compressed wood 木材压缩处理技术简介
Study on Physico-mechanical Properties of Different Direction Compressed Wood Shuttle Blocks 不同方向压缩木梭坯物理力学性能的研究
By observing microscopic structure of the compressed wood, it is found that only cell cavity of Chinese fir has been compressed, but cell wall has not been destroyed. 从微观结构的观察可知,杉木间伐材压缩木的细胞只是被挤压,细胞腔变小而细胞壁未受到破坏。
Through lengthways, radial, tangential water distribution curve of compressed wood, water distributions are uneven and easy to warp and distort. 从纵向、径向和弦向的水分分布曲线可以看出,压缩木各方向的水分分布不均匀,所以容易翘曲变形。
A Preliminary Study of the Technique of Fixating Recovery from Compressed Poplar Wood with MF Resin Sampling water contents have a strong relation to the strength and mechanical properties of cyclic wetting and drying of lime stabilized expansive soils. 竹模板湿变形特性的初步研究制样含水率对弱膨胀土石灰稳定土的强度及其干湿变形有重要的影响。
In compressed direction, shrinking efficiency in radial compression was the smallest, and ratio of tangential to radial shrinking efficiency of radial compressed wood was aslo the smallest; 压缩木压缩方向上的干缩率,径向压缩木的干缩率最小,且径向压缩木,径向、弦向干缩系数之比最小;
Water absorbing capacities of mono maple's radial, tangential and non standard direction compressed wood were tested, results are as follows. Swelling efficiency in compressed direction was obviously higher than that in non compressed direction whichever direction was chosen to be compressed. 对色木径向、弦向、非标准向压缩木的吸水性测试结果表明:不论哪个方向压缩,压缩木压缩方向上的膨胀率明显高于非压缩方向的膨胀率;
Cross-section Design for Compressed Steel and Wood Columns 钢木压杆的横截面设计
Manufacture of Wear Resistant Paper on Compressed Laminated Wood Flooring 强化木地板耐磨纸的生产
Furthermore, new additive did fill the wood cell cavity. It reduced the dimensional transfiguration of compressed wood after compression and improved its dimensional stability. 新型添加剂起到了填充木材细胞腔的作用,在木材压缩后减缓了压缩材的尺寸变形,提高了其尺寸稳定性。